
is published via the internet

Computing has almost gone full circle, but history doesn’t quite repeat itself. Back in the 1960s we had mainframe computers with dumb or simple terminals. The software and data were loaded on the central mainframe computer and the ter­minal was merely a communication device to send commands to the computer

By the 1980s we had powerful personal computers with as much processing power as the early mainframes, and so the software application ran on the PC.

But, with the internet age, increasingly we are seeing the software application hosted on a web server, instead of on the PC or within the organisation, thus returning to a situa­tion where the PC is more akin to a commu­nications tool (although now much more mobile),http://www.moncler-brand.info. For example, an online catalogue can be offered to end-users through a third-party supplier, or an Application Service Provider (ASP).

Browser-based’ and ‘web-hosted’ software

When people talk about ‘browser-based software’ they mean it uses web program­ming tools. A common misunderstanding is thinking it means the software is available on the internet. The access to the software depends on where it is hosted and who you allow to use it. You can have browser-based library software that is hosted on your internal server (intranet) and your users open their browser to access it, but it is not published on the internet.

‘Web-hosted’ software, on the other hand, is published via the internet, but access may be restricted to particular groups, e.g. members, students or staff – in which case it is an extranet. Alternatively you could decide to open access to the public, i.e. everyone on the internet.

A web-hosted library system can easily be integrated with your intranet even though it is hosted on an external server. Links can be added to your intranet that make the process seamless. You should be able to customise the library user interface so it reflects your own intranet look and feel and has the rel­evant functions and fields for your informa­tion.

A few questions for you to ask yourself are:

Why choose an ASP?

The big advantage that an ASP web-hosted system offers over internal hosting is that the ASP takes care of all the IT infrastructure, from knowledgeable personnel, hardware and software maintenance to security..

How is the ASP model cheaper?

In many cases the ASP can provide the maintenance service free of charge or bundled in with the package. When comparing prices of library software hosted on feature your own servers with web-hosted software from an ASP you have to compare like with like, including any hidden costs

Why is an ASP low maintenance and better performance?

Library software provided by an ASP will have lower maintenance overheads than an internally hosted system because the ASP will take care of software upgrades and platform changes, usually without disruption to the service,モンクレール ダウン.

What is the subscription pricing?

Libraries no longer have to make a case for large capital bids and then calcu­late return on investment over 5-10 years; instead they can budget for regular annual costs and spread the payment

I am worried about ownership of data?

You should never lose control over data when buying any type of library system – you never know when you might want to use the data in its raw format, integrate it with another application, apply a search engine to it or migrate it to another system. Generally it is a good idea to avoid a proprietary database and instead opt for a system using such standard databases plat­forms as MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, or Oracle. It is not unknown for suppliers to hold customers to ransom over making changes to the system, or extracting data from proprietary databases and charging high con­sultancy fees for on-site visits to maintain or upgrade the software.

What is important about interoperability?

You should bear in mind though, that a web-hosted library system from an ASP may not meet all your library management requirements, and it is a case of using your own judgment as to what is right for you,moncler.

For the full version of this report please go to: - http://www.baileysolutions.co.uk/bs/docs/Let%20someone%20else%20provide%20your%20online%20catalogue%20as%20published%20in%20CILIP%20Update.pdf>online catalogue on the Bailey solutions website,モンクレール.

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